Annonce déposée par Jacquie and Michel le 06/07/2017

Ville : Bejaia
Département : Etranger

Description : Try the X-shoot experience with Jacquie and Michel Everything is possible Now, in the Arab countries and North AfricaOur agency is a pornographic film production company. We are urgently looking for actors and actresses or all Men , women, bi, lesbian, gay, bi, submissive, couple, transvestite, trans etc ... for X videos and even with hidden face. Anyone with a passion for sex and who would be able to start and evolve in the trade very quickly or to do it for some time is asked to contact us N B We pay 2000 euros per week for men and 3.000 euros for women

Lien sponsorisé : Un plan cul direct avec Jacquie and Michel ? Clique ici

Attention aux arnaques : N'envoyez jamais d'argent avant une rencontre. (recharges mobile, mandats cash, coupons PCS ...)

Contacter Jacquie and Michel

Annonce consultée 3489 fois  
* Numéro valable 5 minutes permettant la mise en relation directe avec le destinataire (transfert direct sur son mobile). Votre numéro sera masqé lors de l'appel. (Cout: 2.99€/appel)

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